আমরা এই পোস্ট থেকে জেনেছি যে, এইচটিএমএল ট্যাগ তিন প্রকার যথা: Formatting Tags, Page structure Tags এবং Control Tags। আজ আমরা আলোচন করব Formatting Tags নিয়ে।
Heading Tags: কোন লেখার শুরতে আমরা নিশ্চয় সেই লেখার একটি শিরোনাম দিয়ে থাকি। এই শিরোনামটি হয় মুল লেখা হতে একটু বড় সাইজের। যা তাকে অতি সহজেই অন্য লেখা হতে আলাদা করে। যা এই ফরমাটে লেখা হয়ে থাকে - <h> ....</h> । Heading Tag সাধারনত: ছয় ধরনের হয়ে থাকে, যেমন:
- <h1>............</h1>
- <h2>............</h2>
- <h3> ............</h3>
- <h4> ............</h4>
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<html> <head> <title> This is a page title </title> </head> <body> <h1> This is a post title </h1> <h2> This is a post title </h2> <h3> This is a post title </h3> <h4> This is a post title </h4> <h5> This is a post title </h5> <h6> This is a post title </h6> <p>This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.This is a post description and all the description are written here.</p> </body> </html>
উপরের কোড হাইলাইটারের কোডটুকু ভাল ভাবে লক্ষ্য করুন। একটু চিন্তা করুন। এখানে আমি আমার পোস্টের হেডিং বা শিরোনাম টি কে <h1> ,,,, <h6> কোড এর মধ্যে রেখেছি। যার ফলে কি ঘটেছে তা দেখার জন্য প্রথমে আপনার নোটপ্যাড++ এ এটি কে সেভ করুন এবং এটি কে একটি ব্রাউজারে রান করান(রান করাতে আপনার নোটপ্যাডের Run অপশনে ক্লিক করুন এবং এখান হতে Launch in Firefox ক্লিক করুন)। আশা করি বুঝতে পেরেছেন। পরবতী পর্বের অপেক্ষায় থাকুন খোদা হাফেজ !
1 comment:
onek valo hoyeche dhonnobad . muktoit te amar kora tune ti dekhe nite paren . html formating Tutorial in bangla
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